Sunday 24 June 2012

Über Busy Week

Creatively, it has not really been a very interesting week as I have been so busy at school.  People who don't teach really have no idea how crazily busy the end of term is. 

Two pretty cool things have happened this week though.  Firstly, one of my customers blogged about me (click here to read what she wrote). Secondly, I have got nearly 200 likes on my Facebook page, look:

So exciting!!  There will be a free gift for my 200th 'liker'


  1. He he. I am that customer.

    Also a teacher. Teaching upcycled jewellery? Sounds great. I'd love to do that for NOCN Entry 3 or Level 1 as part of our Diploma for Post 16 and combine it with an enterprise module by selling the results at school fairs.

    Maybe I should ask you what the start-up costs are??? Now there's a thought. But I'm crazy busy too with course work and internal moderation at the moment.

  2. Hi there. Thank you so much for blogging about me, it was really lovely. What do you teach?

    The start-up costs for upcycled jewellery are hardly anything at all. I provided a few pairs of flat and round-nose pliers (I had these from previous jewellery classes anyway), some tigertail, ear wires and crimps which I get from Beads Unlimited. Then I sent an email round to all the staff at my school to donate any broken jewellery, odd earrings and anything they no longer wanted and left a box in the staffroom. After a couple of weeks it was full.

    The kids love it and spend hours rooting through what has been donated. You could also go to charity shops and buy cheaper items or ask them to save anything that they think is unsellable.

    You should definitely try it, it is really fun,
    Sam x
