Saturday 14 July 2012

Course Review - Jewellery Business Day at London Jewellery School

Course Review – Jewellery Business Day at London Jewellery School

The course took place from 10am – 5pm at London Jewellery School in Hatton Gardens on Wednesday 11th June and the tutor was Emma Ashworth.  The class consisted of four of us from quite different creative backgrounds.

The course covered the following:
Press releases
IT, websites and social networking
Pricing and selling your jewellery
Getting into galleries and shops
Legal requirements

Obviously this is quite a lot of content to cover in a day, so the teaching was quite pacy but class notes were provided.  The day started with the usual health and safety notices and then Emma asked us all what sort of jewellery we make and the sorts of places where we would like to sell it.  She referred to this throughout the day so the advice that she gave was tailored to each of us.

Emma is an excellent, enthusiastic teacher.  She has loads of experience of running her own business and has lots of friends in the industry too, so if she hasn’t had experience of something, she knows someone who has.

I felt that the course was really good value for money and has definitely given me food for thought.  I has also given me the confidence to explore avenues that previously I had not considered, like craft fairs.

The rest of the staff were really friendly and there is a nice relaxed atmosphere is the studios.  There are lots of places to get food from Monday – Friday although most places are closed at the weekend, so bring a packed lunch if you are there at the weekend.

Today, I have been on the Teaching Jewellery Making, but I will post about that soon.

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