Friday 13 April 2012

Flame Off - Towcester Racecourse

Today we went to the 5th Annual Flame Off at Towcester Racecourse.  It is an event organised by Tuffnell Glass which brings together lampwork beadmakers from all over the country.  There are lots of demonstrations and stalls selling handmade lampwork beads and all the equipment needed to make them.

In the taster area, you can get tuition from the stewards and have a go, so since I have always wanted to, I did.  My first bead didn't start brilliantly as I put a bit too much glass on the mandrel but my tutor told me that it had a nice drop shape (I think she was being nice).


I tried to make the next bead a little neater, and was quite pleased with its shape.

My tutor was very encouraging and suggested that I rolled the next bead in frit.  Frit is tiny pieces of glass that stick to the bead and melt in.  I was quite pleased with the effect, although I couldn't get the bead to be perfectly round.
I think that I could get addicted to lampworking, it was so relaxing.  Making a bead was easier than I thought, but making a good round bead will take a lot more practise.

I will definitely be booking a lampwork course in the near future.
Sam x

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